
15 Reasons Why Jennifer Lawrence Might Be Forgotten By Hollywood

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Jennifer Lawrence was once considered a rising star in Hollywood and the entertainment industry. She was also America’s Sweetheart and someone who could do no wrong and say no wrong. She was on the cover of every major magazine, won some of the most coveted campaign contracts in the fashion world and was considered an A-list star. But all of that came crashing down in the last several months and according to Jennifer’s critics, for a very good reason, too.

Jennifer started off her career as a force to be reckoned with. She managed to impress audiences, critics, and industry insiders in her 2010 film, Winter’s Bone. Since then, her movies have grossed over $5.5 billion in box offices worldwide. Unfortunately, a few bad decisions, a few bad movies, a few bad boyfriends, and a lot of bad press has done nothing but bring Jennifer and her career down in a major way. Her star doesn’t shine like it used to as people apparently don’t want to be associated with her anymore.

So does this mean that Jennifer Lawrence’s Hollywood career is all but over? That would be horrible to say, especially considering that she’s still in her mid-twenties. But at the same time, things aren’t looking very positive for her either. Here’s why.

Her Sketchy Connections

One of the reasons why people have stopped trusting Jennifer Lawrence is because of her sketchy connections in the Hollywood industry, namely, Harvey Weinstein. As many of her fans can remember, Jennifer was very, very close with Harvey. She even admitted that he was very paternal towards her in a father figure way. But because Harvey is now Hollywood’s most hated man, a lot of people are pointing their fingers at the actress, wondering why she was ever even near him in the first place.

According to Jennifer, she claims that she had no idea of the things Weinstein did behind closed doors. She also claims to be completely blindsided by the allegations made by other actresses.

Also, Jennifer’s statement seemed very scripted, so to speak. She told The Hollywood Reporter this, “I’m sad by the women’s stories, but I’m excited by the change that’s going to come from it. The rule book is being rewritten right now. People are terrified. I mean, specifically, men using their power to abuse women. But I was abused by a woman on a movie. There was a general consensus on [that] movie that I was fat, and so it wasn’t just the woman. Everybody agreed that I was fat. And she had to be the mouthpiece.”

Her Love Life

For the longest time, Jennifer was in a deeply committed relationship with her ex-boyfriend, Nicholas Hoult. She and the British actor truly looked like they were made for one another. They were both young, beautiful, smart, and funny, and they supported each other’s careers. But Jennifer Lawrence cut the cord on the relationship. And ever since then, she’s been sticking around much older men, specifically her last ex, director, Darren Aronofsky.

Some people have even alleged that Jennifer is dating more prominent men in Hollywood in hopes that it will help her career. Of course, we don’t know that for sure.

Also, Jennifer has made it no secret that her brain is always in “panic mode.” She has a hard time focusing on her work and keeping things together. She told Elle Magazine, “The only time I find myself worrying about the result is when I’m filming because I’m working all day, and then I come home and my brain’s just like, What should we panic about? After I’ve finished the process, though, it’s done for me. I’ve done my work, and I’ve gotten what I need to get out of it—I’ve fulfilled myself. What happens next doesn’t really matter.”

Her Connection To The Kardashians

Let’s face it: no A-lister in Hollywood would ever admit to being a fan of the Kardashian family, let alone a very close friend. After all, the Kardashians are reality television stars and they don’t have the best reputation in the celebrity world. But Jennifer Lawrence doesn’t seem to mind that. As a matter of fact, she’s gone on the record to even praise the Kardashians and admit that she is a huge fan of their family and the show.

She’s posed for photos with them, she’s interviewed them, and she’s even proclaimed their love for them. And for a lot of critics and fans, this kind of display of public affection is just too much.

She told People Magazine, “When I found out that I was going to be interviewing her I was like, ‘Oh my God, my whole life has been building up to this moment.’ I wanted to get as much information as I could. I wanted to do my due diligence on Kim Kardashian. I went over to Kris [Jenner’s] house and had dinner with the whole family. They are smart, grounded, and normal, and funny. They’re very nice people, [they’re] very close, [they have a] loyal bond with one another, which I think is a positive thing to put out into the world. They’ve been absolutely lovely to me.”

Critics Question Her Talent

Jennifer Lawrence is one of the youngest stars in Hollywood. During the beginning of her career, a lot of people admitted that she was a force to be reckoned with. She won a lot of roles that many other actresses her age could only dream of having. She was also given the title of “America’s Sweetheart” pretty fast. Unlike actresses like Emma Watson and Kristen Stewart, she used a lot of humor in her interviews and tried to come across as likable and down to earth. But at the same time, many critics couldn’t help but question her talent on the big screen. Sure, she looked like the full package, but could she act? That’s what people are still asking today. And by judging her last few box office movies, the writing is definitely on the wall, if you know what we mean.

Speaking about her audition for Twilight, Jennifer told the Howard Stern Show, “I didn’t really know what it was. When you audition when you’re like a run of the mill actor…you know we’re all auditioning for all sorts of things, you just get like five pages and they’re like, ‘Act monkey.’ When it came out I was like, ‘Hot damn! Woah!’”

Out With The Old, In With The New

When it comes to reality, here’s the hard, cold, ugly truth: everyone has an expiration date. There are very few Hollywood stars who can actually make it in the long run, especially when it comes to their careers. One day, you are in, and the next day, you are out. And that seems to be the case with Jennifer Lawrence. She used to be everyone’s sweetheart, with her bubbly personality and crude jokes. These days, no one is even paying attention to her. Some people grew tired of her schtick pretty fast, and unfortunately, Jennifer hasn’t found a way to reinvent herself yet.

There’s a lot of competition in the entertainment industry. There are hundreds of Jennifer Lawrences out there who can do the same things she does every day– maybe even better.

Jennifer told Howard Stern, “Emma Stone and I actually had this conversation once because we used to always audition for the same thing, which now seems silly because our careers are so different…she got one thing that I was dying for, but the one thing that really killed me, like the only time I’ve ever been truly devastated by losing an audition…was Tim Burton’s Alice in Wonderland.”

Her Box Office Failure

Jennifer used to star in some of the biggest, Oscar-worthy films in the industry. That, of course, was several years ago. These days Jennifer is lucky to even get a good role, especially after her last box office failure, Mother! The film was not only considered one of the worst movies of the year, but it’s also a strong contender for worst movie, period. Jennifer and her director boyfriend, Darren Aronofsky, thought that they were sitting on Oscar gold with the movie. Little did they know, the critics would tear them apart for a movie that was not only poorly directed and poorly acted, but just poor altogether. To make matters worse, everyone seems to be blaming each other.

Speaking about the failure of Mother!, Jennifer said, “‘Did you guys not get it? I gave my body, Darren gave his [...] heart, he bled for that script, and you don’t get it.’ It’s a little sad. And I remember letting it be sad for a couple of days, and then I was like, ‘You know what? This is not where I get my happiness from. I get my happiness from my friends and my house—they’ve brought me so much sanity.'"

The Brad Pitt Rumors

As we’ve mentioned above, a lot of Jennifer Lawrence’s critics believe that the actress is very picky when it comes to her love interests. And by that, we mean that she tends to go for guys who have strong connections in the entertainment industry. Right after Angelina Jolie pulled the plug on her relationship with Brad Pitt, rumor had it that Jennifer Lawrence was pursuing him, in hopes of starting a romance.

“Brad hasn’t dated much since the breakdown of his marriage, so Jen is a very lucky girl to have his undivided attention,” according to an insider, says Gossip Cop. “He can’t wait to get to know her better, and if all goes well, he thinks they could be Hollywood’s next big power couple.”

As we all know by now, that rumor was nothing but a bunch of baloney. We even doubt that Jennifer and Brad have ever been in the same room with one another, let alone have ever spoken to each other. Clearly, someone’s publicist is doing one hell of a job behind closed doors. But the majority of fans aren’t believing it. Brad Pitt is reportedly dating his new girlfriend, MIT Professor and total hottie, Neri Oxman, while Jennifer Lawrence is still single.

Some People Are Tired Of Her Schtick

There are only so many times you can fall on your face at huge public events and awards shows, right? Well, for Jennifer Lawrence’s fans, they are just tired of her schtick. They know that tripping on your designer gown each time you make a public appearance on the red carpet can get old fast. And believe it or not, it has gotten old. Sure, there are a lot of people out there that are clumsy. But to purposely show it in public or worse, constantly talk about it in your interviews can get very tiresome. Yet, Jennifer Lawrence doesn’t seem to understand that. She keeps on putting the same clutzy show over and over again. For some people, it’s gotten more annoying than her movies. Nobody is buying what she is trying to sell anymore.

She told Howard Stern in an interview, “The next year [at the Oscars], I fell on a [...] traffic cone. Everything would have been fine if I didn’t fall on that [...] traffic cone because then it immediately looked like it was my [...]. My heel snapped in England. I mean, on the ‘Hunger Games’ press tour I fell in every [...] city.”

Fans Don’t Trust Her

Here’s another thing about Jennifer Lawrence: fans simply don’t trust her. That’s because she no longer appears to be authentic. She tries to be one person in public, but a lot of fans strongly believe that she’s another person behind closed doors. They feel as though she is putting on an act, both on- and off-screen, and they are over it. And for Jen, this is bad news. Mostly because she relies so much on her fans to help her movie career.

Unfortunately, Jennifer doesn’t have much of a backup plan. She even once admitted that she dropped out of school and that she doesn’t even have a GED.

She told E! News, “I struggled through school. I never felt very smart. And when I’m reading the script and I feel like I know exactly what it would look like if somebody felt that way, that was the whole part of my brain that I didn’t even know existed—something that I could be confident in and I didn’t want to let it go. It was just an overwhelming feeling of ‘I get this. This is what I was meant to do.’ And to get people to try to understand that when you’re 14 years old wanting to drop out of school and do this, and your parents are just like ‘You’re out of your mind.’”

The Chris Pratt Controversy

The worst thing you can be called in the movie industry is a home wrecker. Angelina Jolie had that title for ten full years and trust us, it didn’t do her any good. And now it seems as though Jennifer Lawrence has been plagued by the same problem, too. That’s because a lot of people pointed their fingers at Jennifer for the demise of Chris Pratt and Anna Faris’ divorce last year. Jennifer and Chris looked very chummy while they were promoting their box office movie together, leading many to believe that something might have been going on. But everyone involved – including Anna Faris herself – has denied the allegations. Still, the internet can be a very harsh place.

A lot of people blasted Jennifer for being too flirty with Chris during their press interviews together.

Here’s what Jennifer has said about standing up for herself (via The Hollywood Reporter): “Yeah, I was called difficult and a nightmare. I think a lot of people aren’t coming forward because they’re afraid they’re not going to work again. You need to be able to say, ‘This is wrong’ and have somebody do something about it instead of saying, ‘Oh, it’s wrong? Well, you’re fired.’”

She Tried To Be The Female Jason Bourne

A lot of people have tried to categorize Jennifer Lawrence in Hollywood. Is she an action star? Does she do better romantic comedies than dramas? Is she a leading actress? Is she a supporting actress? No one knows for sure. But what critics do know, is that she tried very hard to be the next female Jason Bourne. Unfortunately, her efforts have been less than par. People just don’t see her as the next James Bond or James Bond female for that matter. A lot of people think that Jennifer should just stick with one genre and do what she does best: act like a goofball. But Jen doesn’t seem to understand that and keeps picking movies that she thinks she will win Oscars for.

Speaking about how she picks her movies, Jennifer told The Hollywood Reporter, “It’s chemistry. It’s like meeting a boyfriend. Red Sparrow was [...], and I haven’t done anything [...] or [...]. I’ve been afraid of that since 2014 when I got my pictures hacked. I just thought, ‘I’ll never do that again. I’ll never share that part of myself ever since it got shared against my will.’ And then when I said yes to Red Sparrow, I felt I was taking something back.”

Her Behavior During Oscar Season

We’ve said it before, and we will say it again: Jennifer Lawrence loves to act like Hollywood’s premiere goofball. We’ve seen it so many times, we’ve stopped counting. Oftentimes, Jennifer acts a little too bizarre during her camera interviews or worse, tries too hard to come off as funny and likable. And none of it has worked in her favor. In fact, it’s turned off a lot of her fans, as they just want her to be herself already. But Jennifer doesn’t seem to understand that.

If that weren’t enough, Jennifer even admitted to being quite tipsy at the premiere of one of her movies late last year. Not only is this very unprofessional, but pretty dumb, according to a lot of critics. You don’t show up at your job drunk. And you certainly don’t show up to a movie premiere wasted, either.

“But I did get drunk at your thing,” Lawrence admitted to ET Canada. “Can we look at the premiere photos, please? I look like I had had electroshock therapy. In my head I’m like, ‘I’m a goth dream,’ and then I looked at the photos and I’m like, ‘I’m a goth dream on crack.’ My eyes were like ‘I’m not drunk!’”

Her Ridiculous Quotes

Here’s something else that people are simply over: Jennifer Lawrence and her ridiculous quotes in her magazine interviews. It almost seems as though she doesn’t have a filter. That, or she doesn’t have a good enough publicist to stop her from saying the things she says. Remember how Jennifer tried to get a plane full of people to chant “Fly Eagles, Fly” after the Eagles won the NFL championship earlier this year? It totally came off as flat and ended up becoming one of Jennifer’s most embarrassing moments in public. You’d think that she would learn from that moment, but sadly, that hasn’t happened. She still does quite a job making a full out of her self, time and time again. Someone stop this girl before she does a full interview of just fart jokes.

According to The Sun, Jennifer once said this, “If I was at the point where I could get an STI, doctors have already been involved. That is how much of a germaphobe I am. I am not in a relationship. I am making it clear that I have not had [...] in a very long time. I would like to have a relationship, you know. It is hard out there.”

Taking A Break From Hollywood

At this point, the best thing Jennifer Lawrence can do is take a much-needed break from Hollywood. In fact, it would do her some good. In order to rehabilitate her image, she should take a little time off from the public spotlight, work on her craft, study better roles and scripts, and of course, take care of herself. She also needs to pick a direction and stick with it. Because what she’s doing now clearly isn’t working for her, and it will just get worse in the long run. She can’t afford any more mistakes. She’s made too many at this point.

She also needs better management and she needs to act more professional, both on and off the set. And this is something that the actress is well aware of. Jennifer also knows that she has a “difficult” reputation in the entertainment industry. She once told The Hollywood Reporter, “Yeah, I was called difficult and a nightmare. I think a lot of people aren’t coming forward because they’re afraid they’re not going to work again. You need to be able to say, 'This is wrong' and have somebody do something about it instead of saying, 'Oh, it’s wrong? Well, you’re fired.'"

Too Much Hype

And last but not least, the number one reason why Jennifer Lawrence has been rejected by Hollywood is that she’s suffered from way too much hype. Her rise to the top was very fast and as a result, her crash to the bottom was an even faster one, too. But that doesn’t mean there’s no hope for the future. Jennifer can still pick herself up and be the Hollywood force she’s destined to be. It’s just not going to happen overnight. She needs time off, new management, and more importantly, a new public image. In the meantime, her fans will still be waiting for the new and improved Jen to arrive.

Jennifer once told Elle Magazine, “I think that you know, we’re the entertainment industry. At some point, there has to be a separation between politics and the entertainment industry or we’re going to suffer. It’s an art, and it’s an art to entertain. And as an industry, we will suffer, and people need to take that responsibility upon themselves [and not just blame Hollywood]. The same kind of violence is in different parts of the country that don’t have as many problems as we do…I think the problem is guns, not the entertainment industry.”


Abbie Anker

Update: 2024-05-17