
Are AJ Ogden And Shut The Kale Up Divorced? Cheating On Jeannette Aranda & New Girlfriend

Jeannette Ogden is a fitness and health enthusiast who is best known as the creator of the blog Shut The Kale Up.

The blog first started as a way for her to share how she overcame her eating disorder. It has since turned into something much bigger, as she shares health and cooking tips to help her fans lead a happy and healthy life.

She is also a certified yoga sculpt instructor who has over 348K followers on her Instagram page.  However, in recent years, Jeannette Ogden, who now goes by Jeannette Aranda, is known more for her separation from her once husband, AJ Ogden than her blogging and career.

The two had one of the most explosive separations in internet history, and people still talk about it on certain parts of the internet.

Are AJ Ogden And Shut The Kale Up Divorced?

On May 25th, the website Reddit exploded because Aj Ogden had filed for divorce from his wife, Shut The Kale Up, aka Jeanette Odgen.

The specifics of the divorce have not been given to the public, but Jeannette has removed any evidence of AJ from her Instagram page. She has also been blocking anyone who mentioned him on her page; in fact, even hinting at her divorce or AJ will lead to a swift block.

It's unclear if she is trying to avoid negativity or ignoring the peril. Still, everyone on the Internet who is aware of Jeanette, Shut The Kale Up, and AJ Ogden knows and is talking about the divorce.

One of the reasons why everyone is so obsessed with their divorce is because, before the news, the Ogdens postured as this wholesome family with a bit of a holier-than-thou attitude.

Some pockets of the internet are even glad that their marital bliss seems to have been all smoke and mirrors.

There is an entire thread on Reddit that talks about their divorce. Many people on the thread have stated that the divorce comes as no surprise because Jeannette and AJ were having problems from the beginning of their relationship.

Many comments even stated that Jeanette is very different in person than she is on her social media platform, which is a damning thing as her whole brand revolves around her so-called honesty. The thread, which started six months before the writing of this article, is still being updated, and people are still commenting on it.

It has received over 229 upvotes and close to 1.5K comments.

Did AJ Ogden Cheat On Shut The Kale Up?

Yes, AJ Ogden cheated on Jeannette Ogden, now Aranda, from Shut The Kale Up.

In fact, according to the thread mentioned above, Ogden has a history of infidelity and could also have been raised with it. The same sources say that AJ never wanted to date Jeannette in the first place and that she manipulated him into starting a relationship.

They had a speedy courtship and waited until marriage to consummate their relationship, and some have even stated that one of the reasons they married was to consummate their relationship.

The reason behind this fastidiousness over such a simple matter has to do with the fact that both of them are devout Christians. They met at church, and many people corroborated the story of Jeanette forcing AJ into a relationship. 

It's important to remember that AJ is not necessarily a victim in this situation, as the man had every chance to say no to him. When he inadvertently found himself in a relationship and then subsequently married, he chose to be unfaithful and borderline abusive. 

As AJ worked in a band, he would be out of town a lot, and he would cheat on her regularly during his outings. However, something's gotta give, and it did, and now they have parted ways.

Who Is AJ Ogden?

AJ Ogden gained fame as the husband of influencer Jeannette Ogden of Shut The Kale Up.

According to his LinkedIn page, he is a brand director at Jack Henry and is from Costa Mesa, California, in the United States.

Back when they were together, he chose to stay out of the spotlight because his wife's work involved using social media more frequently than he does, and there isn't much information about him.

She disagreed with his plan to join a traveling Christian band, and he didn't appreciate the idea that she had any influence over him.

This is one of the reasons why their marriage was so rocky. Another reason why their marriage was so rocky was that they vehemently disagreed on how to raise children.

AJ hated that Jeannette would show their children on social media, and he also didn't appreciate or support her social media career. Her fans and following weren't shocked by their divorce because their growing discord had been visible over the previous two years.

They were also unsurprised by it because Aj and Jeannette have had a rough relationship and a contentious marriage from the beginning. Jeannette didn't address the rumors recently or, if she did, decided to end them before Aj formally filed for divorce.

She only made one announcement in 2020: that she and her spouse were going to therapy.

She casually answered questions from fans in June of last year under an article on Elliot's graduation regarding where Aj was. After that, she either deleted the inquiries and remarks about her romantic life or chose to ignore them.

AJ Ogden And Shut The Kale Up Age Difference

Jeannette Ogden from Shut The Kale Up was born on August 25, 1988, and is 24 years old.

Although AJ Ogden's age is unknown, it is widely accepted that he is 2-3 years older than Jeannette.

The age gap was never something they struggled with in their relationship. The problem they had was that AJ never wanted to be with Jeannette, but she kept pushing, and for whatever reason, he never said no.

One can surmise that he was probably lusting after her in the beginning, but after marriage felt like he had to stay. It could be due to their religion, it could be due to some semblance of love, or perhaps it could be due to the fact that AJ Ogden didn't have it in him to say no, or perhaps he didn't care enough. 

Now the dust of their divorce has settled, but they not only wasted almost a decade of each other's lives but also hampered the well-being of their children, who will grow up knowing their parents never loved each other.

Is AJ Ogden Dating Anyone Else?

No, AJ Ogden does not seem to be dating anyone or Jeannette Aranda.

On AJ's Instagram page, he seems to be content sharing pictures of nature and places he goes to. He appears to be a big snowboarding fan and posts many pictures of him doing the activity.

On the other hand, Aranda uses her Instagram fairly often and has been posting pictures of herself as if nothing has happened. However, people on the Reddit thread mentioned above who live near her and have seen her daily have stated that she has started looking very skinny.

It's gotten to the point that people on her comments have noticed it too, but once again, she is deleting and blocking anyone who is mentioning anything along that line. 


Carisa Kissane

Update: 2024-05-17