
How Amanda Quick Survived Her Husbands Horrific Abuse and Became an Advocate for Trauma Victims

Amanda Quick had a seemingly perfect life with her husband and three children in Colorado. She was a successful businesswoman, a devoted mother, and a loving wife. But behind the scenes, her husband was hiding a dark secret that would shatter her world and expose him as a monster.

The Shocking Discovery

One day in 2016, Amanda received a phone call from the police that changed her life forever. They told her that they had arrested her husband for attempted human trafficking and that he had been sexually abusing their children for years. According to YouTube, Amanda was in disbelief and denial at first, but soon realized the truth when she saw the evidence and heard the testimonies of her children.

She learned that her husband had been grooming their children since they were toddlers, using drugs, threats, and manipulation to control them. He had also been planning to sell them to other pedophiles online, and had even set up a meeting with a potential buyer. Amanda was devastated and traumatized by the revelation, and felt betrayed, angry, and guilty for not knowing what was happening under her own roof.

The Aftermath

Amanda decided to divorce her husband and protect her children from further harm. She faced a bitter custody battle in Colorado, where it was difficult to remove her husband’s parental rights. She also faced harassment and intimidation from his family and friends, who blamed her for his arrest and tried to discredit her. According to HIS Education, she and her children moved to Canada to start a new life away from the nightmare.

Amanda struggled with the emotional and psychological effects of the abuse, as well as the stigma and shame that came with it. She suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. She also had difficulty trusting anyone, especially men. She sought professional help and support from therapists, counselors, and trauma survivors. She also turned to spirituality and energy healing to cope with her pain.

The Transformation

Amanda gradually healed from her wounds and regained her strength and confidence. She realized that she was not alone, and that there were many other victims of abuse who needed help and hope. She decided to share her story with the world, and wrote a memoir entitled “The Sex Trafficker’s Wife: The Journey To Discovering Your Truth and Trusting Self”, due to be released in January 2023. According to Player FM, she also became an advocate for trauma victims, and founded Amanda Quick Healing, a platform where she offers coaching, mentoring, and healing services to others who have experienced similar ordeals.

Amanda remarried in 2021, and found love again with a man who respects and supports her. She also rebuilt her relationship with her children, who are now thriving in their new environment. She is proud of how far they have come, and how resilient they are. She is grateful for the lessons she learned from her experience, and how it made her grow as a person.

The Message

Amanda Quick is an inspiration to many people who have faced abuse or trauma in their lives. She shows that it is possible to overcome the worst situations, and find happiness and peace again. She also shows that it is important to speak up against injustice, and raise awareness about the issue of human trafficking and child abuse. She hopes that by sharing her story, she can help others who are suffering in silence, and encourage them to seek help and healing.

She has a message for anyone who is going through a similar situation: “You are not alone. You are not crazy. You are not broken. You are not what happened to you. You are strong. You are brave. You are worthy. You are enough.”


Arica Deslauriers

Update: 2024-05-17