
Why Do Fans Want Disney to Apologize to Johnny Depp?

Disney unceremoniously dumped Johnny Depp due to allegations Amber Heard made against the actor. In light of the events that unfolded since then, fans are outraged at the franchise's lack of an official apology.

Many worldwide anticipated Johnny Depp's highly publicized defamation trial against Amber Heard, which went on for months in 2022.

There was a division of sides, with many taking the actors and starting the #JusticeForJohnnyDepp campaign on social media platforms.

With all the facts raised during the trial, both Depp and Heard's careers were inevitably affected and, for Depp, to some extent, damaged. He was also cut off from one of his most recognized film franchises, "Pirates of the Caribbean," a decision made by Disney.

Why do fans think Disney needs to apologize to Johnny Depp?

After Heard's alleged statements that suggested Depp was abusive towards her, Disney executive Sean Bailey told Depp that he could no longer be cast for the film franchise's sequel, which would have generated the actor $22.5 million. Depp said:

"These characters should be able to have their proper goodbye. I planned on continuing until it was time to stop."

Depp built his on-screen character, Captain Jack Sparrow, from the ground up and contributed much to the film's success. Following Bailey's decision, Depp could not understand how Disney found him guilty until proven otherwise.

Besides his role in the hit action film, Heards claims also affected Depp's reputation in the entertainment industry and the general public.

However, the court has ruled toward Depp, finding parts of Heard's article libelous. Fans believe Disney should retract their decision to fire Depp from the film and apologize to the actor.

Unconfirmed rumors have it that Disney has done as fans wanted, but there hasn't been any official confirmation that they apologized to Depp nor returned his roles.

What Did Fans Say about Disney's Apology?

Fans believe that Disney quickly believed Heard's claims without waiting for the legal process. One fan took their anger to Twitter and said:

"Until Disney formally and openly apologizes to Johnny Depp and any other person harmed by lying people out to harm them, with no proof......I won't be supporting Disney. I think Walt would be sad."

Another fan hoped that Disney would realize that firing Depp was a huge loss and would have him play Jack Sparrow and Mad Hatter again.

However, more fans were outraged when Depp's face was reportedly used during the "Pirates of the Caribbean" light show at Disneyland.

The video of the light show immediately went viral, with several social media users calling out Disney for their actions.

Should We Expect Johnny Depp to Collaborate with Disney?

According to experts, Depp and Heard might not have roles immediately following the defamation case. However, the trial will significantly impact the actress' career, given the court's decision and media coverage throughout the case.

In the US- conducted survey, most respondents aware of the trial voted that Depp should remain in his future productions. It is highly possible that independently financed films would hire Depp rather than studios.

"There is plenty of opportunity for him in the independent space," one agency partner said. "He could make upwards of $15 million a year on those select movies."

Given the betrayal Depp felt from Disney's abrupt decision, it is unlikely that he would return to work for them again. He also mentioned that he would no longer agree to partake in "Pirates of the Caribbean," given their action toward him. Johnny Depp and Amber Heard's battle began in 2018 after her op-ed was published.


Abbie Anker

Update: 2024-05-17