
News about Air Astana engine problems in 2004 and 2015 on CCTV Video, lessons learned

News about Air Astana engine problems in 2004 and 2015 on CCTV Video

Air Astana engine incident in 2004

Incident Overview In November 2004, Kazakhstan’s Air Astana experienced a serious incident on a scheduled flight. The plane completely lost control after takeoff, leaving the crew unable to control the plane as desired.
Cause of the accident The cause of the accident was determined to be due to errors during maintenance. Specifically, the rudder cables are installed in completely opposite directions. This causes the aircraft to react completely opposite to the pilot’s control inputs. A small mistake in maintenance caused serious consequences.
Consequences and impact As a result of the accident, the crew completely lost control of the aircraft. Luckily, thanks to experience and skill, the pilot was able to land safely. However, the plane was seriously damaged beyond repair. The accident left a valuable lesson about the need to focus on every small detail in maintenance to ensure safety.

 Air Astana engine failure in 2015

Situation overview In November 2015, an Air Astana flight from Lisbon to Kazakhstan seriously lost control immediately after takeoff. Once again, the cause was determined to be a maintenance error when the rudder cables were installed in the opposite direction.
Significance of the accident The 2015 accident further confirmed the lessons learned previously. Once again, a maintenance error, no matter how small, had catastrophic consequences. The incident clearly demonstrates the need to improve and tighten inspection and supervision in aircraft maintenance.
Results and society’s reaction Fortunately, this time the crew was able to land the plane safely, without a human tragedy. However, the incident once again highlights the need to improve safety in aviation. Authorities also requested to investigate and learn from the incident.

Analyze the root cause

Flaws in Documentation and Procedures Investigations revealed that the root cause of both incidents stemmed from flaws in the manufacturer’s documentation and maintenance manual procedures. The documents do not specifically instruct how to install the rudder cable or how to cross-check to avoid confusion.
Lack of quality control measures Besides, the maintenance company also does not have strict quality control measures. Allowing the same person to perform the entire process without independent supervision or inspection.
Limited safety awareness On the part of maintenance staff, awareness of the importance of safety measures, as well as the potential consequences of errors, appears to be limited. This is also the cause of preventable errors.

Lessons learned from incidents

Raising safety awareness Airlines need to increase employee awareness of flight safety issues. Training programs need to clearly emphasize the importance of every step of work as well as the consequences of errors.
Improve documentation and processes Manufacturers need to update and complete maintenance and installation manuals. Maintenance companies also need to have strict quality control processes and measures to limit errors.
Each individual is a part of the safety assurance system. Finally, each individual from staff, technicians to pilots must raise awareness, always putting safety and quality first. Just one weak link can lead to disaster.

In short, the Air Astana incidents in 2004 and 2015 showed that the root cause was not paying enough attention to safety and quality issues. Hopefully, after these valuable lessons, the aviation industry will make fundamental improvements to improve safety. Each individual is responsible for maintaining system security.


Abbie Anker

Update: 2024-05-18