
Is Ivanka Trump distancing herself from dad Donald in prep for 2028 presidential run?

Once darlings of the Trump White House, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner have since put a good deal of distance between themselves and Donald Trump. The couple has not been spotted with Trump since he left the White House in 2021, and recently opted for a beach holiday in Florida instead of Trump's first rally of 2022 in Florence, Arizona. It has raised questions of what exactly the couple are up to.

Since leaving Washington DC, Ivanka and Jared have been keeping a relatively low profile. In October, she celebrated her 40th birthday in Miami with friends, but notably no family members like brothers Don Jr. and Eric, or father. In fact, as we reported back in March 2021, there are rumors of a major rift between the couple and Trump, so much so that Ivanka and Jared have since purchased a home in Miami, far from Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort.


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We've speculated before that Ivanka could be pushing for a political run. Back in January 2021, it was rumored she could challenge Marco Rubio for his Senate seat, which she later denied. However, it appears Ivanka may have even greater ambitions, possibly setting her sights on the White House itself. 

Ivanka's distance from Trump

As we have extensively reported, Ivanka has maintained her distance from her father since Joe Biden was declared President-elect. She did not attend his January 6 rally, nor has she been on the 'stolen election' bandwagon like Don Jr. and Eric. In fact, the House Select Committee's investigation could vindicate her, with Liz Cheney noting that Ivanka begged Trump to stop the crowds. So far, no evidence has come forward to indicate she played a role in the riot, apart from calling for it to be stopped.

That is the first key for her since it leaves her hands clean while questions continue to rise about Trump's role in the Capitol riots. With both the House Select Committee and FBI investigations closing in on the former President, he could very well find himself in legal trouble in the very near future. Given Eric and Don Jr.'s vocal support, they too could be linked to the Jan 6 riots, effectively leaving Ivanka as the only Trump member not involved. 

Not only has Ivanka avoided pushing Trump's election theories, but she's also stayed out of politics entirely. In the public's consciousness, Ivanka is no longer a person of interest, something that could help her quietly build a network in the background while her father continues to court controversy.  Another advantage she has is the apparent splintering of the Republican Party, thanks in large part to the divisiveness of Trump.

The fracturing of the GOP

Right now, the GOP finds itself at a crossroads with regards to its identity. Many, like Senator Lindsay Graham, still view Trump as the present, and future of the party. It's why they are still focused on the 2020 elections, despite being repeatedly shot down in courts (and by their own audits). On the other hand, a small but vocal anti-Trump base has begun to emerge, led by Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger. Despite Trump's claims, they remain relatively popular with some people in their party. Now it appears there's a third base emerging, of those who wish not to be overtly associated with Trump but don't shun him either, like Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin who kept the former POTUS at arm's length for most of his race.

It doesn't help that Trump is creating his own enemies, and not just amongst the anti-Trump group. On January 16, it emerged that Trump has privately been trash-talking Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is seen by many as a strong candidate for President in 2024. As a result, Trump is now fracturing the GOP, in polar opposition to the way he united the party in 2016. 

The situation could be ripe for Ivanka to take advantage of. Not only does she benefit from having the Trump surname, but she can also unite the anti-Trump wings of the GOP thanks to her tactical silence on his election lies. The two factors should help Ivanka gain broad appeal amongst the GOP's base and even those on the fence. After all, she did not endorse Trump's lies, a core problem for swing voters and Democrats. We know that she is laying the groundwork for a political run, the only question is when? The answer to that it seems is not 2024 as some have speculated, but a little further away.

A possible 2028 run

A 2024 run might be tough for Ivanka. By all indications, Trump plans to run again in two years' time, and it appears even a huge deluge of court cases won't stop him. He also currently commands a majority of the GOP, meaning Ivanka would find it tough to break out from his shadow. But 2028 though is an entirely different ball game. It will be impossible for Trump to run in 2028 when he will be 82 years old. And should he fail in 2024, it would prompt a massive soul-searching from within the GOP. 

In 2028, Biden too is highly unlikely to run, meaning Ivanka would be up against a softer opposition. As the 2020 Presidential Elections showed, the Democrats don't really have a sold candidate for President. Those that could have been (like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren) may try again in 2024, but will certainly be calling time on their careers by 2028. It's clear Kamala Harris doesn't have the confidence of the party, and if they can't find someone else soon, the GOP will have a really good chance. That said, 2028 is quite a while away, and ample time for some Democrats to build a national platform. 

Nonetheless, Ivanka's biggest fight will be from within the GOP. With the party still largely pro-Trump, it will take a lot for it to realize that going further right is not the direction to go in. For that, it would require massive losses at the 2022 midterms and 2024 elections. Whether that will happen or not remains to be seen, especially with the way Joe Biden is handling things. If he managed to wring it, then no one appears to be in a better position to benefit than Ivanka. 


Abbie Anker

Update: 2024-05-20