
Is Mollie Hemingway Related to Ernest Hemingway? The Truth Behind the Rumor

Mollie Hemingway is a well-known conservative author, columnist, and political commentator who is the editor in chief of the online magazine The Federalist and a contributor for Fox News. She has been in the spotlight for her pro-Trump views and her criticism of the mainstream media. But is she related to Ernest Hemingway, one of the most influential writers of the 20th century? The answer is no.

Mollie Hemingway’s Background

Mollie Hemingway was born Mollie Ziegler on August 3, 1974, in Denver, Colorado. Her father is a retired pastor of the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod and her mother is a retired schoolteacher. She earned a degree in economics from the University of Colorado Denver. She married Mark Hemingway, a fellow journalist and writer, in 2006. They have two daughters and live in Virginia. She is not related to Ernest Hemingway by blood or marriage.

Ernest Hemingway’s Family Tree

Ernest Hemingway was born on July 21, 1899, in Oak Park, Illinois. His father was Clarence Edmonds Hemingway, a physician, and his mother was Grace Hall Hemingway, a musician. He had five siblings: Marcelline, Ursula, Madelaine, Carol, and Leicester. He married four times: Hadley Richardson, Pauline Pfeiffer, Martha Gellhorn, and Mary Welsh. He had three sons: John (also known as Jack or Bumby), Patrick, and Gregory (also known as Gigi). He died by suicide on July 2, 1961, in Ketchum, Idaho. He has many descendants who are still alive today, including his granddaughter Mariel Hemingway, an actress and author.

Why Do People Think Mollie Hemingway Is Related to Ernest Hemingway?

There are several possible reasons why some people might assume that Mollie Hemingway is related to Ernest Hemingway. One is that they share the same last name, which is not very common in the United States. Another is that they are both writers who have achieved fame and recognition for their work. A third is that they both have conservative views on some issues, such as war and patriotism. However, these are not enough to establish a family connection between them.


Mollie Hemingway and Ernest Hemingway are not related by blood or marriage. They are two different individuals who happen to share a surname and a profession. While they may have some similarities in their style and opinions, they also have many differences in their background and personality. Therefore, it is incorrect to assume that they are related or that they have any influence on each other’s work.


Abbie Anker

Update: 2024-05-20