
Larry Hagmans Nature Reportedly Exposed by Daughter: For a Fun-Loving Guy, He Had Struggles

Larry Hagman was, and is still, recognized as one of America’s most successful actors, but very few know his truths. His daughter, Kristina, reveals it all in her book, “The Eternal Party.”

Kristina, who is now well past her prime at 61 years old, published her new book, “The Eternal Party: Understanding My Dad, Larry Hagman, the TV Star America Loved to Hate,” in 2016. The book has her telling the hidden truths about her world famous father’s lifestyle.

Kristina Hagman / Photo: Getty Images

Hagman was an actor and filmmaker, who is perhaps best known for his works in the 1980s television series, “Dallas” and the 1960s sitcom, “I Dream of Jeannie.” According to reports, starring in “Dallas” alone earned him about £70,000 per episode!

With that great success came a lifestyle of hard partying – drugs, alcohol, and women. Kristina details how it was like being the sole daughter of the award-winning star. Kristina, obviously fond of Hagman, honestly writes that Hagman was not what many of his fans want to believe he was. She said:

“People want to believe that he found it easy to quit drinking, and they want to believe that he was faithful to my mother, and that was easy, too. But it’s just not true.”

Larry Hagman and Maj Hagman / Photo: Getty Images

The “Fail-Safe” actor never tried to hide his grand lifestyle and was even known for pridefully proclaiming his love for alcohol, smoking marijuana, and taking LSD! Till date, fans remember Hagman as the ever-high guy who just wanted to have as much fun as was possible.

Even before becoming famous, Hagman, and his Swedish wife Maj Axelsson loved to party.

Larry Hagman / Photo: Getty Images

Kristina disclosed that as a little girl, she would wake up to late-night festivities, had her very first hangover at three and was once sexually assaulted at eight, a result of her parent's neglect! However, the most shocking part of Hagman’s life revealed by Kristina was his numerous extramarital affairs.

She wrote that he didn't even hide them well and that the women were people who closely related to the family.

Larry Hagman and Linda Grey / Photo: Getty Images

When asked why Maj didn't leave Hagman back then, Kristina

“Mum wouldn’t have wanted to be thought of as lacking in any wifely ways, so him denying it allowed her to have some pride. But she did suffer.”

Hagman made the perfect couple, and Kristina even disclosed that they shared a love of drugs and would take some time away from their children “bonding.” Kristina:

“He so completely embraced the sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll ethos of the era that he lived it to the end of his days. When he died at the age of eighty-one, his refrigerator was packed with marijuana brownies.”

Kristina, however, disclosed that Hagman wasn't all blind to his faults and remorsefully said his last words – "Forgive me" – to her while on the brink of death.

Larry Hagman / Photo: Getty Images

“For a fun-loving guy, he had his struggles. But doesn’t that just make it more interesting that he was a three-dimensional character as opposed to a cardboard cutout?”

At the age of 81, Hagman passed away on Nov. 23, 2012.


Arica Deslauriers

Update: 2024-05-20