
Dana Bostic Net Worth: How Rich Is The New Breeds Street Gang Leader?

Dana Bostic is perfectly known as a New Breeds street gang leader from Aurora. Bostic as the leader of his gang was dealing in the sale of illegal drugs in a 12-block vicinity around Pulaski Road and Van Buren Street. As a leader, Dana often used violence to achieve some of his goals. However, in 2010, he was arrested and the numerous charges pleaded guilty. In this post, we will take a look at his career, early childhood and more importantly details about Dana Bostic’s Net Worth. Keep reading for more details.

Who Is Dana Bostic?

Dana Bostic was born in 1979 on the west side of Chicago, Illinois. His early childhood was not as good as compared to others. At the age of three, his father was imprisoned. Four years later, his mother gave birth to Curtis Ellis with another man. His mother lost custody of him as a result of her drug addiction. As a result, Dana and his siblings spent some time with their grandmother who also passed on less than a year later.

As a result of poverty coupled with a lack of parental care, Dana eventually joined the New Breeds street gang. And so he began a new career at a very young age.

Dana Bostic Drug Trafficking Career

As a new member of the New Breeds street gang, Dana began selling illegal drugs on a street corner at the age of 12. When he was 13, he was paid $8 per hour as a lookout for heroin dealers. Bostic was placed in a group home a year later and dropped out of school. During this time, he served time in juvenile detention after being found guilty of car theft and weapons possession. Bostic eventually came to be known locally by the nicknames, “Bird”, “Mello” and “Freak”.

During his career as a drug dealer, Dana had been arrested several times. He was arrested several times for the unlawful use of a weapon, gambling and misconduct. Sometimes, he escapes jail term. Dana also had some childhood friends who he used to work with. Some of them included Ellis, Davis, Ladonta, and Brandon. Most of them had dropped out of school. One of his friends in the business known as Alves passed on as a result of gun violence at a neighbourhood block party on Father’s Day in 2001.

And so, Dana Bostic took over as head of his faction of the New Breeds. He established his base of operations at Moore’s apartment, located on West Van Buren Street. Bostic also controlled sales near a Save-A-Lot grocery store and elevated train stations located on the near west side of Chicago operated by the Chicago Transit Authority’s Blue Line

In June 2002, Dana Bostic was arrested for the death of a member of the rival Undertaker Vice Lords street gang. Dana’s career ended later when he was sentenced to 38 years in federal prison on August 3, 2012. The judge ordered that he perform 15 hours of community service per week if unemployed for any 60-day period upon his release.

Dana Bostic Net Worth: How Rich Is The New Breeds Street Gang Leader?

Bostic’s net worth is not known. Apart from illegal drug sales, Dana was reportedly running other businesses. From the young age of 12, he dropped out of school to pursue his newfound career with his childhood friends. His west-side gang’s drug operation, connected to Mexican cartels, employed many locals, served thousands, and used violence to survive.


    Arica Deslauriers

    Update: 2024-05-22