
No, Pearl Fernandez Is Not Dead Was Gabriel Fernandez Mom Beat In Prison?

Pearl Fernandez is not dead despite the rumors about her demise circulating on the internet. Here’s what happened.

Pearl Fernandez is currently serving her time in jail for the murder of her 8-year-old son, Gabriel Fernandez. She was charged with first-degree murder and sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole.

Several rumors are surfacing on the internet implying that Pearl was beaten and burned in prison. Those are unconfirmed rumors and are not true. She is not dead and very much in jail, paying for her crimes.

Fact Check: Pearl Fernandez Is Not Dead

Even though the rumors of Pearl Fernandez’s death are aplenty, she is very much alive.

Pearl Fernandez was convicted for the murder of his son and is currently serving her time at Central California Women’s Facility. She was jailed on June 21, 2018, 5 years after the murder.

Likewise, her boyfriend, Isauro Aguirre was also pled guilty to the murder. Unlike Pearl, he was given a death sentence. But he is currently awaiting his execution and is still very alive.

Pearl Fernandez Beaten And Burned In Prison?

People believe that Pearl Fernandez was beaten in prison but the news is yet to be confirmed.

It is very unlikely that she was harassed in prison as no official media channel has reported the news yet. It looks like people on social media are making it up.

It all started when several users on Twitter have reported that she was beaten and burned alive in jail. These are just rumors or perhaps, people’s reactions to a vicious killer.

The Murder of Gabriel Fernandez: What happened?

Gabriel Fernandez was an eight-year-old who was reportedly killed by his mother and her boyfriend in 2013.

Pearl Fernandez, along with her boyfriend, Isauro Aguirre physically abused the child and beat him. He was tortured over several months which led to his death on May 22, 2013.

The case got the global concern and rightly so. The trial took place for a very long time and after 5 years, Pearl and Isauro were found guilty of first-degree murder.

Pearl Fernandez was given life imprisonment without parole while Isauro is waiting for his execution at the moment.

Moreover, Pearl filed a petition for re-sentencing in April 2021 which was rejected by the judge.


Carisa Kissane

Update: 2024-05-22