
Where Was Camila on The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30 Reunion?

Nearly the entire cast of The Challenge XXX appeared on the finale reunion special on Tuesday, November 14 — all 30 members, except Camila Nakagawa. Host Mike “The Miz” Mizanin actually didn’t even reference that the competitor, who is in the running to win this season, did not show up.

Fans tweeted through the entire hour special, wondering why she wasn’t there and if it had anything to do with the season’s events.

Camila has had a notoriously tough season. First, she was caught kissing Tony Raines, who had a girlfriend and two children at home. Then, in a shocking episode, she took a screaming match with Leroy Garrett too far.

After overhearing a conversation he was having about the competition, a very drunk Camila stormed in the room and got in Leroy’s face. “You are f—king an idiot,” she screamed. “Guess how many wins you’ve had? Zero. You’re a f—king black motherf—king p—y.” Later in the episode, she yelled at him from outside. “I’s all about black motherf—kers like that piece of s—t,” she said.

Following the episode, she tweeted an apology: “I am deeply sorry for how I treated Leroy and take full responsibility for my actions. He handled himself with grace – I wish I could say the same of myself. From the bottom of my heart, I meant no disrespect and I wish I could take back every word I said. But I can’t and I have to live knowing that I disrespected a human being whom I care for very much. The last thing I would EVER want to do is put anyone in a box based on skin color. I have a deep love for humanity and sincerely regret my reckless words and abhorrent behavior. Moving forward, I am 100% committed to never letting anything like this happen again.”

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Following the episode, she tweeted again. “For those wondering, I could not attend #TheChallengeXXXReunion b/c of personal issues including a death in my family. Tks for the support,” she wrote. Camila has also since said she’s taking a break from Challenges to refocus.

Part two of The Challenge XXX: Dirty 30 reunion airs on MTV Tuesday, November 21, at 9 p.m. ET.


Carisa Kissane

Update: 2024-05-22